Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Makes you think

Kyle Lake, pastor of University Baptist Church in Waco, Texas, died suddenly during an accidental electrocution while conducting a baptism last Sunday (Oct. 30). Besides the tragic and freak nature of such an accident, there are several things continue to stay with me...

First, Kyle was 33 years of age, as am I. How strange to write "was." Just a reminder that someday, someone will be writing "was" after our name.

Second, Kyle had three children - one girl and two boys - as do I. I should hug my kids just a little more often.

Third, Kyle was a leader in the emerging church movement. He's one who gave his talents to reaching a generation many in the church are writing off. My prayer is that his death will be used by God to call attention to the "second reformation" and will inspire many pastors to take bold steps toward reaching the "missing generation" (missing from our churches, that is).

Just makes me wonder why I worry about the things I do when there is not one single day of this life that I either deserve or can be guaranteed. It just makes you think.


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